Accent Express, TES/Galtech, £39.00 details | buy
A quality package for word processing in 20 different langagues, 40 true type fonts for 7 character sets; Western and Eastern European, Cyrillic, Turkish, Greek, Arabic and Hebrew.
Accent Professional Word Processor, TES/Galtech, £139.00 details | buy
50 Language International WordProcessor
Auto Nikud Plus, TES, £139.00 details | buy
The Ultimate Hebrew Word Processing Utility
Biblical Hebrew, Davka, £69.00 details | buy
Includes everything you need to master reading, writing, analyzing, and translating Biblical Hebrew!
Catskills Font, Davka, £9.95 details | buy
Catskills is an adaptation of a classic font that presents English letters in a Hebrew style - perfect for displays and announcements for all Jewish organizations.
Davka - Learning to Read Hebrew
, £29.95 details | buy
Learn to speak modern Hebrew with this new language software from Davka Corporation.
Dagesh 2000, TES, £99.00 details | buy
Exciting 4 CD-ROM Hebrew-English Publishing Pack.
Dagesh Extras - 150 Hebrew Fonts, TES, £69.00 details | buy
150 Professionally Designed - Original Hebrew True Type Fonts
Dagesh Pro IV, TES, £139.00 details | buy
Worlds #1 Hebrew-English Word Processor
Dagesh Pro OCR, TES, £399.00 details | buy
The Only Affordable, Accurate, English-Hebrew OCR Solution.
Dagesh-Pro Translator, TES, £69.00 details | buy
A Full Document Bi-Directional Translating System
Davkawriter 2001, £29 details | buy
DavkaWriter 2001 provides helpful, sophisticated, easy-to-use tools incorporating the latest advances in word-processing technology.
Davkawriter Platinum 4, £69 details | buy
DavkaWriter Platinum is an extensive Hebrew/English word processor with PowerStyles, page borders, mail merge, label printing, HTML export and much more!
Davkawriter Platinum 5, £89 details | buy
DavkaWriter Platinum 5.0 includes PowerStyles, page borders, mail merge, label printing, HTML& PDF export and much, much more! Over 90 enhancements and improvements from version 4.
Davkawriter Platinum 6, £109 details | buy
DavkaWriter Platinum is one of the most advanced Hebrew/English wordprocessors available. DavkaWriter Platinum 6 has over 50 new features and enhancements, including many that automate Hebrew/English text preparation. Includes 250 clip art images from the DavkaGraphics Collection and Hebrew texts of the Tanach with nikud and trop, Mishnayot with nikud and the full text of Ashkenaz Siddur and Sefard Siddur, with nikud.
Davkawriter 7, £129 details | buy
DavkaWriter 7 is the most advanced Hebrew/English word processor on the planet in a spectacular, ALL-NEW version! DavkaWriter Platinum 7 has over 25 new features and enhancements, including 55 Hebrew fonts, Insert H with dot underneath for scholarly writing, "Copy as Unicode" for Unicode-compliant programs, new Text Library Additions - Torah/Haftarah readings and Rashi on Chumash. Import Dagesh, Nota Bene and WordPerfect 5.1 Hebrew files, Exports Hebrew text with nikud and trop to non-Hebrew-enabled software and to text, RTF, and PDF file format. Upgrades available.
Decorative Font, Davka, £19.00 details | buy
An ornate DavkaWriter Platinum font for use with Drop Caps.
Dikduk, Davka, £39.00 details | buy
You can read Hebrew. You may have studied basic vocabulary. Now, it's time to take the next step. It's time for Davka Dikduk!
Dikduk 2, Davka, £39.00 details | buy
Davka Dikduk II introduces advanced concepts of Hebrew grammar.
Davka - Leining Master
, £19.95 details | buy
This amazing MP3 CD is the ideal tool to help you learn to chant the Torah, Haftaros and Megillos. Whether you're an upcoming Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparing for your big day or an adult intent on learning or enhancing your Torah reading skills, this CD is for you!
Five Books of Moses on Audio CD, £95 details | buy
13 Audio CD's of the complete Torah narrated in the original Hebrew. Perfect for use at home, in the car, or anywhere your cd player goes with you. Beautifully packaged, makes a perfect gift for yourself, a friend or loved one on special occassions.
Font Studio, TES, £39.00 details | buy
59 TrueType Hebrew Designer Fonts for Windows
Font Studio Mac, TES, £39.00 details | buy
59 TrueType Hebrew Designer Fonts for Mac
Gematralator, Davka, £11.50 details | buy
Calculate the numeric value of words, names or phrases from the original Hebrew texts!
Hebrew Font Gallery, Davka, £29.00 details | buy
25 of the best Hebrew fonts, guaranteed to enhance anything you type in Hebrew!
Hebrew Font Gallery Deluxe, Davka, £49.00 details | buy
The very best in Hebrew font design!
Hebrew Graphic Fonts, TES, £29.00 details | buy
34 Professionally Designed - Original Hebrew True Type Fonts
Hebrew Keyboard Stickers, £4.95 details | buy
Stickers to convert a standard English keyboard into a Hebrew one. Available in Black, Red and Silver.
The Hebrew Bible Narrated, Shlomo Bertonov, £69.00 details | buy
Sephardic Hebrew pronuniciation of the whole Hebrew Scriptures read aloud on audio CD/MP3 for both computers and HiFi systems. Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and Apple Mac OS X compatible.
Hebrew Tutor, TES, £29.95 details | buy
Hebrew Tutor teaches over a thousand words used in Tanach and daily Hebrew conversation, with correct Israeli pronunciation, so you can be confident when speaking...
Hebrew World/Hooked on Hebrew, £45.95 details | buy
A popular package which offers multimedia learning of the Modern & Biblical Hebrew language, perfect for beginners and children as well as older students.
Hebrew Tutor, Parsons, £39.95 details | buy
Parsons Hebrew Tutor takes you from the alphabet to reading and translating the book of Ruth via 14 units covering all major aspects of grammar and letters.
I Can Read The Bible in Hebrew: the Journey Begins, Lev Software, £39.50 details | buy
A great way to learn to read the Bible - this new program from Lev Software allows you to select verses from the Tanakh/Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, it then highlights the Hebrew text and pronounces it syllable by syllable, with transliteration.
The Jerusalem Dictionary, TES, £49.00 details | buy
English-Hebrew Dictionary, Thesaurus, Spell-Checker, Translator, and Verb Conjugator in One easy to use program!
Ligature Premium OCR, TES, £1039.00 details | buy
Full-featured standalone English-Hebrew OCR program.
Mellel Hebrew Writer, Davka, £59.00 details | buy
The world's first Hebrew/English word processor for Mac OS X!
Modern Hebrew, Davka, £39.95 details | buy
Great for conversational Hebrew; You'll follow the linguistic adventures of Daniel as he tours and studies in modern Israel. Words are translated with a click and entire on-screen passages are read clearly and distinctly. Modern Hebrew also includes a Hebrew / English dictionary of words used in the program, and exercises and quizzes.
Navigating the Bible II, Davka, £59.00 details | buy
World's Most Popular Torah Reading Tutor!
Nisus Writer 6.5, TES, £79.00 details | buy
Hebrew-English-Yiddish WordProcessing for Macintosh
Rosetta Stone, Hebrew Level 1, £139.00 details | buy
Learn Modern Hebrew professionally with the excellent Rosetta Stone Hebrew. With up to 250 hours of instruction, Hebrew Level I, Personal Edition provides 92 lessons of comprehensive instruction for beginning learners, leading to intermediate proficiency. Other languages available.
TarguNet, TES, £39.00 details | buy
Realtime Internet Web-Page Translator!
TES - Hebrew Transliterator, £79.00 details | buy
Now say the of prayer you would like to READ in original Hebrew is the Mourner's Kaddish or for that matter a Shabbat Song. You simply select the Hebrew text you want. Paste it into the Text Entry Box and click on the Translitrator button. That's it... It takes less than one second to transliterate a full Chapter.
Touch Typing Now, Davka, £29.00 details | buy
The best Hebrew-English typing tutor!
Trope Trainer, From £39.00 details | buy
Trope Trainer is a revolutionary program that teaches Torah, Haftarah and Megillah chanting. View complete Bible texts and hear them chanted with your choice of melody, accent, speed, pitch, and voice!