Details and specifications of Submit Wolf Pro, £69.95 (GBP inc VAT). Easily and quickly update your web pages, increase your number of hits to your site by improving your search engine ratings with this professional web promotion tool.. [Buy now]
Submit Wolf PRO is an easy to use, professional website promotional tool, which automates the process of promoting your web pages on the internet. It can dramatically increase the number of visitors to your web site.
Submit to 1000+ Engines, Directories and 500000+ link pages
Most traffic comes via the major engines, however a listing on a large number of small engines can also generate significant traffic. Another advantage of a listing on smaller engines is that you are not competing with a billion other pages for a position in the top ten results.
Submit Wolf PRO can submit your URL to both the major and minor engines in minutes, so you get the best of both worlds. To achieve the same task manually would take months of your time.
The latest search engine trend is to rank results by popularity. That means by the number of other sites linking to yours. The result is that submitting your URL to a large number of smaller sites, can increase your ranking on some of the major search engines.
Priority Submission
A listing on the major engines is probably the most important. Trellian's partnership with various search engines enables you to take advantage of a Priority Paid Submission service. The service ensures that your URL is added within 48 hours. It includes engines such as About, AltaVista, MSN, HotBot, iWon, LookSmart, Lycos, Overture (formally GOTO), Slider, WebWombat, whatUseek and 50 others.
FREE engine Updates
Script upgrades can be automatically downloaded using the Live Upgrade wizard, thus ensuring you always have the latest engine data. We are constantly adding new sites and removing old sites that no longer work, helping to ensure you have the best search engine coverage possible. With 18 full-time staff maintaining the engine database, Submit Wolf PRO is the most reliable submission program available.
One time Fee
Why pay a submission service to promote just a single URL, when you can own the personal version of the software which many such services themselves use. At no extra cost, you can submit as many of your own URLs with Submit Wolf PRO as you like!
Engine Spam Control
Many engines have specific rules and acceptable use policies that govern URL submission. Submission which violates these rules may be considering as spamming and your website may be banned from the engine.
Submit Wolf PRO maintains a set of rules for each engine and will filter out the engines not appropriate for your website type, content. It will also prevent multiple submission of the same URL to engines that do not allow it.
Fast Concurrent Submissions
Submit Wolf PRO will submit your URL to 50 engines concurrently (1024 for SubmitWolf Enterprise), taking full advantage of your available bandwidth. A submission to thousands of engines takes only minutes.
Site Ranking
The Site Ranking feature enables you to check where your site appears in the search results of the major search engines. Check out where you and your competition rank in the comprehensive ranking report. Submitting your site is not enough, building traffic requires analysis of the search engine results as well
Page Optimization
The META tag editor allows you to tailor your Keywords to achieve a higher search engine ranking. Save your META TAGS directly to your HTML files quickly and easily.
Ranking Tips
Submit Wolf PRO comes with a knowledge base full of useful and practical information on how to make your web pages 'search engine friendly' and how to improve your search result positioning.
Engine Editor
If a specific engine is not included in the Submit Wolf PRO database, the engine editor can be used to add it. In version 5.0, adding new engines is a simple procedure.
Engine Filter
Organize your engine lists, by type, country or by any other criteria. You can filter engine selections based on domain, submission status, last submit date etc. You can also automatically filter out engines that send confirmation emails, or spam.
Smart Category Selection
Submit Wolf automatically decides if a site will accept your submission and chooses a category for you based on your site details.
Page Import
Import keywords, description and other details directly from a web page through the Import wizard.
Full Browser Emulation
SubmitWolf PRO has full browser emulation and support all browser technologies including cookies, http headers, SSL, etc. This makes it virtually impossible to distinguish between a Submit Wolf PRO submission and one done manually using a browser.
Before each submission, Submit Wolf PRO also downloads the Submit Form and checks for any dynamic content or hidden fields and includes those in your submission.
FREE Support
Free and friendly technical support is provided via email. Most questions are answered within 24 hours.
Proxy & Firewall Support
Submit Wolf PRO supports most proxy servers and firewalls including the SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 protocols.
Development Commitment
Without regular updates, automated submission products soon become obsolete. Not so with Submit Wolf. Since 1997, Trellian has been the industry leader, and remains totally committed to future product development and software innovation.
Submit Wolf Enterprise has also become an industry standard, powering over 2000 commercial URL submission services. People in the industry choose Submit Wolf Enterprise for its speed, reliability and ease of use.
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Submit Wolf Pro, £69.95, Buy
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Submit Wolf Pro, £69.95, Buy.
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