LEC Translate 10 (2012) Magellan Pro - Windows translation software
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Details and specifications of LEC's Translate 10 (2012) Magellan Pro, £1549-£1649, RRP £1799 GBP inc VAT. 15 languages translated by the one package, includes: English to/from Brazilian, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Dutch, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian and Ukrainian. Ideal for international business, council, government, prison, immigration, education, asylum seekers document translation. Arabic, Farsi, Indonesian, Pashto, Persian, Tagalog, Turkish available in separate packages. Available as a download, digital and backup disks edition, or full retail box. Although it requires initial Internet access for activation, thereafter it will function offline.
[Buy] the Microsoft Office 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010, Windows XP/Vista/7/8, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox compatible Translate 10 (2012) Magellan Pro now or call us on 0844 808 3699.
Translate 10 (2012) Magellan Pro is the ultimate in power and flexibility. Like Translate Personal and Translate Business, Translate Magellan Pro translates:
• Documents • Emails • Websites • Chat • Blogs • Instant Messages • Scans • Images
Translate between multiple languages with one software package: English, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Ukrainian.
Pro version Added Features
- Translate multiple documents with one click. Details: Place a set of documents in a folder, select the folder, and Translate Pro will translate the entire set while you work on other projects.
- Access industry-specific dictionaries for any text that includes specialized terminology. Details: No worries about specialized terminology. Most professional products include business, computer, medical, and law dictionaries. See complete list of subject dictionaries
- Create new dictionaries with your own terms and translations. Details: Quickly and easily add words or translations not already in the main dictionaries. This allows you to increase the accuracy of translations and create a dictionary tailored to your needs.
- Translate the widest range of file formats in the industry, including PDF
Our onscreen menus and toolbars let you translate quickly and effortlessly translate virtually any file format:
- Word
- Excel
- PowerPoint
- Outlook
- Internet Explorer
- Firefox
- Chrome
New Features and Improvements
- Greater speed and accuracy - Improvements have been made to all translation engine dictionaries and grammars resulting in better translations than ever before.
- Speech-to-text - Integration of Microsoft’s speech recognition for English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese when running under Vista. English, Chinese, and Japanese speech recognition is supported under XP. Translate your speech. Control translation applications with your voice.
- Text-to-Speech - for Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
- Hover Translation - Point the cursor at a word and a translation of the sentence or word immediately appears near the text.
- Translate Selection - Select any text and its translation appears next to it.
- Text Capture - Import text to LogoTrans from any program. No need to cut and paste: just click or draw a rectangle around the text you want to import.
Image File Translation With OCR
Translate Euro Pro comes bundled with our OCR Addon. Using advanced OCR (optical character recognition) technology licensed from industry leader Abbyy©, FileTrans recognizes and translates scanned documents, PDFs and digital camera images all in one step.
Simply transfer scanned PDFs, documents or photos to your computer and drop them onto FileTrans for one-step translation. OCR lets FileTrans translate files in all common image formats including pdf, bmp, dcx, djvu, djv, gif, jb2, jfif, jpg, jpeg, jp2, jpc, pcx, png, tif and tiff.
Online Translation
With Translate Pro, you also get an introductory subscription to Translate DotNet, with its easy-to-use desktop toolbar. You also get a subscription to TranslateToGo, which is our browser-based service.
With Translate Magellan Pro you get:
- 12 month Translate DotNet subscription, valued at $480.00
- 12 month TranslateToGo subscription, valued at $119.40
Our subscription services give you online access to all the languages that LEC supports— more than 300 language pairs. After your initial subscription expires, you may resubscribe to one or more language pairs for as little as $5 per month. You do not need to resubscribe to continue to use Translate Pro from your desktop even without Internet access.
Business, Computer, Legal, Medical & more technical subject dictionaries (dependant upon language)
LEC Translate products come with large System Dictionaries for use with general subjects. For the highest translation accuracy on particular documents, add LEC's Technical Dictionaries (5.2 million words) or create User Dictionaries yourself.
The Business version of LEC Translate Magellan includes a business terminology specialised subject dictionary.
To obtain the highest translation accuracy possible, choose the Pro version. LEC Translate Pro versions include up to 20 Subject Dictionaries and LEC's Dictionary Browser. Use the LEC Dictionary to search and browse all
dictionaries and even to create your own dictionaries. The LEC Dictionary is a powerful tool which you can use to get just the right translation.
Pro dictionaries can be obtained separately for the existing product price difference plus a 25% surcharge of the difference, so upgrading from Magellan Personal to Magellan Pro is possible. It is worthwhile deciding, therefore, whether you want the extra dictionary entries and utilities, typically around 60,000 extra words per language in specialist areas, at the time of purchase.
Control Center
Translate 10 (2012) incorporates a control center for launching and configuring its specialized applications for translation of text, files, email, chat, instant messages, or web pages. The control center also includes its own text box for text translation.
Also included are add-ins for Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer. LEC's Word, Excel and PowerPoint Add-ins allow you to translate directly within these applications and save the translated versions as Word, Excel or PowerPoint files.
ClipTrans translates any text which is selected and copied. Paired with a new function which automatically identifies the source language, users with multilingual packages can easily and quickly translate email, text, instant messages and web pages.
LogoTrans translates as you type - a few sentences, paragraphs or a whole text.
MirrorTrans translates your primary window. Use it to translate web pages, email or documents.
Use TransIt to translate a sentence or two and pop them into another application. TransIt is great for translating each chat or instant message as soon as you write it, and you can use the new TransView window to instantly translate arriving messages into a more familiar language. Use Translation Mirror to monitor your primary application window and automatically translate whatever text appears there. Use it to monitor your email inbox for new messages or monitor your word processor to translate a business letter as you write it. Or use it to check a translation by translating from any other Translate application back into the original language.
Use FileTrans to generate batch translation of files or folders, including HTML. Drag a file or directory icon onto the FileTrans window and the translation is automatic. You can even select which file types are to be translated, copied, or ignored. LogoMedia Standard Edition products have English, Spanish, and Japanese user interfaces.
Use the Dictionary Browser to supplement and refine the system and subject dictionaries. Dictionary Browser allows you to search and browse all dictionaries and even to create your own dictionaries. The Dictionary Browser is a powerful tool which you can use to get just the right translation.
Translate Magellan Pro contains all our Pro translation systems, English <> Chinese - Simplified and Traditional, Japanese, Korean, Hebrew, French, Italian, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Polish and Ukrainian.
Included in the Translate Magellan Pro package are subject dictionaries with more than 5,200,000 entries in more than twenty subject areas.
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Translate 10 (2012) Magellan Pro, £1599, Buy
Translate Magellan Home, £399
Translate Magellan Business with Technical Dictionaries, £1599
Compare also:
Translate European Home, £199
Translate European Business, £499
Translate European Business with Technical Dictionaries, £739
Translate Asian Home, £249
Translate Asian Business, £349
Translate Asian with Technical Dictionaries, £549
Please see either Translate Bi-Directional Language Range (Eleven languages), from £99 and Translate Bi-Directional Language Range with Technical Dictionaries (Ten Languages), from £199
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Windows 98/2000/ME/NT/ XP, CD-Rom, NT4.0 with SP6 or later. 64 MB RAM, 300-700MB of disk space
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Translate 10 (2012) Magellan Pro, £1599, Buy.
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